Wp Google Maps


Steps to Show a Map Using the Google Maps Plugin for WordPress. In the WordPress admin area, go to the “Plugins Add New” screen. There do a search for the “WP Google Maps” plugin. “Install” and “Activate” that plugin. (That is, get its files, then turn it on.). Integrate Google Maps with WordPress using Plugins The two previous methods are excellent options to display your business location or any kind of static location. However, if maps play an important role in your WordPress site or you need to include multiple maps in one post/page, then plugins are a better choice.

This google maps plugin allows you to create google maps shortcodes to display responsive google maps on pages, widgets and custom templates. Show custom markers on each google maps and display messages with links on a marker click.

Google autosuggest enabled location form helps you to create unlimited markers and then assign markers to a google map. It’s super easy.

Here is a quick highlight on the numerous customizable features offered by the free and pro versions of the WP Google Map Pro Version.

Lite Version (Free)

WP Google Maps is one of the most extensive map plugins on WordPress that is widely used by a large number of users. Thanks to its comprehensive and user-friendly interface, it is one of the most downloaded map integration plugins on WordPress. It comes with a free version offering limited features. This google maps plugin allows you to create google maps shortcodes to display responsive google maps on pages, widgets and custom templates. Show custom markers on each google maps and display messages with links on a marker click. WP Google Maps: WP Google Maps is the most popular plugin in WordPress that is.

  • Add unlimited locations with various information.
  • Assign multiple locations to a single map.
  • Display a info window message to any location.
  • Map Marker Infowindow Open On: Mouse Click or Mouse Hover.
  • Display map on posts/pages using shortcode.
  • Decide center latitude and longitude for each map separtely.
  • Easy way to assign category to any location.
  • Select your marker icon for markers.
  • Easily edit or delete map functionality.
  • Assign your own markers to categories or choose colorful markers from +500 readymade markers provided by the Maps Icons Collection.
  • Select among 4 map type : Roadmap,Satellite,Hybrid,Terrain
  • Set your map height and width.
  • Set Map zoom level.
  • Map can be Draggable
  • Display traffic real time conditions and overlays using Layers.
  • Add bicycle path information to your maps using the Bicycling Layer.
  • Enable Map Transit layer
  • Marker Animation on Click or Mouse hover the marker.
  • 45° imagery functionality
  • Add circle in your Maps plugin
  • Create a map just in seconds.
  • Street view supported
  • widget supportive : Display Google Maps on sidebars using widget.
  • Pov Heading and Pov Pitch for street view.
  • Fully Responsive.Display your map perfectly on all devices.
  • Create 100% responsive maps effortlessly.Tested on real devices.
  • A Cross Browser Compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all major browsers
  • Multi-lingual Supported.
  • Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide.
  • Map Stylization : Customizable Google maps style from https://snazzymaps.com.
  • Search control on frontend map to search location easily.
  • Filter markers by category.

[WP Google Map Pro] (https://codecanyon.net/item/advanced-google-maps-plugin-for-wordpress/5211638) offers awesome features such as

  • Marker Clustering : Enable marker clusters if you have too many locations.
  • Map Layers : Display Traffic Layer , Bicycling Layer, Transit layer
  • Import/Export Locations : Import Export Locations supported using CSV.Sample csv is attached in pro version.
  • Draw shapes : rectangle, circle, polygon and polyline.
  • Display unlimited shapes. Display Message on shape click or Redirect to external link.
  • Direction & Route : Directions & Route Suggestion. Display directions results in KM and MILES.
  • Listing : Display listing in grid or list style. Fully responsive.
  • Sort listing by location, category and address alphabetically in location listing.
  • Marker Category : Assign multiple categories to a location.
  • Infowindow Contents: Customize infowindow contents with help of Placeholders.
  • Display Posts Information, custom fields, taxonomies and featured images on infowindow message using placeholders.
  • Unlimited number of map markers and locations.
  • Set your own google map marker icon
  • Drag and drop feature for markers, custom animation support
  • Allows to display the user location on map.
  • Nearby locations based on user’s current location.
  • Display Posts/Pages or Custom Post Types on google maps using custom fields.
  • Center the map based on visitor’s current location.
  • Define overlays on Google maps via an easy to use interface.
  • Integrate GEOJSON in to google maps.
  • Display multiple Kml/Kmz Layer on the map.
  • Fusion Table Layers.
  • Add Geo location
  • Add any number of Google maps on pages/posts/sidebars.
  • Allows to insert the map as widget on sidebars.
  • Add unlimited locations using an easy to use interface for Google Maps.
  • Display location title, location category, location latitude, location longitude with location message in the infowindow.
  • Create unlimited maps and display on posts/pages using shortcode or in sidebar using widget.
  • Design your own Google map skins easily. Turn ON/OFF roads, places, water area.
  • Ability to display infowindow on mouse click on mouse hover.
  • Display your map perfectly on all devices. Create 100% responsive maps effortlessly.
  • Multi-lingual Supported.
  • Display physical maps based on terrain information.
  • Display Google Earth satellite images on just one click.
  • Display maps in a blend of normal and satellite views.
  • Setup POV Heading and POV Pitch of Street View to customize Street View output of a location.
  • Full support of controls of the Google map, such as zoom control, map type control, scale control, street view control, fullscreen and rotate control
  • Drag and drop feature for markers, custom animation support
  • Modify Locating Listing using Placeholder.
  • Hooks Supported – Use actions & filters to modify map,markers,listing and associated html on fly.
  • Display locations listing with filters & pagination. Fully customizable using backend settings and hooks.
  • Use “wpgmp_geo_tags_args”, “wpgmp_geo_featured_image”, “wpgmp_geotags_placeholder”, “wpgmp_geotags_content” hooks to extend Posts on google maps functionality as you want.
  • Use External Database or Sources to add markers on google maps using new filter wpgmp_marker_source.
  • Load markers from external database or API sources with help of filters (Hooks).
  • A Cross Browser Compatible plugin. Fully tested on IE8, IE9, IE10 and all major browsers
  • Multisite Enabled and ability to activate it network wide.
  • Visit our Pro Edition WP Google Map

Live Examples


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Live Examples |
Developed by flippercode


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

Wordpress google maps plugin


Can I create a custom marker ?

Yes, you can upload your own marker image or you can choose from readymade icons.

Do I need to calculate latitude & longitude myself ?

No, Address field is google autosuggest enabled so you just start typing and choose your address. Latitude & Longitude will be calculated automatically.

How many locations I can assign to the map?

You can assign as many as location you want to display on google maps.

How to display map on page?

Go to ‘Manage Maps’ and copy the shortcode for your map. Each map will have own shortcode. You just paste that on your page.

Wordpress Google Maps Plugin

Can I display map using widget?

Yes, First create your map and then you can display your map in sidebar from widget section.

How to register google maps api key?

Go to Google Maps API console and you can create your google maps api key here. We have a guide Important Changes in Google Mapshttp://bit.ly/292gCV2 for troubleshooting releated to google maps api key.

How to upgrade to pro version?

You can purchase Google Maps Pro Version and then just keep your lite version deactivated and then activate the pro version. You’ll not loss any of your data. Your all data will be migrated to pro version automatically.

Do we have Live Demo?

Yes, You can click on Google Maps Pro Live Demo and mail us at hello at flippercode dot com if any pre-purchase query.

Do we have a Documentation?

Wp Google Maps Pro

Yes, You can click on WP Google Map Pro Guide and you will get all documentation with proper steps and video tutorials.

Do we have offer refund?

Yes, You can get refund any time if pro version is not suitable for you.

Do we have offer customization?

Yes, You can mail us your requirement at hello at flippercode dot com.


Finding a good Google Maps plugin can be very time consuming. This one almost ticked all the boxes: multiple markers, custom styling of the map (using Snazzy which is nice), markers that can be set to redirect rather than to only open an infowindow.Almost perfect. What I missed: 1. redirect on click marker to NOT open in a new window or at least have the choice2. batch import of locations from CSVEspecially the first is the reason I will probably have to use a different solution.

Adding maps to a website has become a very popular practice these days. Maps provide directions and location information for all sorts of things. There are several ways you can add a Google map to your website. If you want to add maps and show locations, then using a plugin like WP Google Maps is a fantastic option.

There are actually several really good plugins that allow you to work with Google Maps in several different ways. There is an extra step you have to take now in order to use Google Maps to its fullest potential.

Nowadays, Google makes you get an API and tracks more map usage. It is not difficult, but it is an extra step you need to take. That being said, the particular WordPress Google Map plugin that we are using today also allows you to use something called “Open Layers.”


This is basically an option that gives you much more limited functionality, but allows you to use Google Maps with having to get an API.

Since there are so many people wondering how to add Google Maps to WordPress, we decided to write an article about it. Let’s take a look at the WP Google Maps plugin and then go over how to get it up and running on your WordPress website.

WP Google Maps

WP Google Maps is a very easy-to-use WordPress map plugin that allows you to easily add customized Google Maps to any post or page using a shortcode. You will not have to deal with any iFrames at all.

The plugin allows you to build just about any type of map you need. It is perfect for contact maps, routes, directions, and maps showing delivery areas. Of course, you can make any sort of map you want, including one that shows specific locations.

The plugin comes with a wide assortment of features and a ton of functionality. Some of these include:

  • Easy to Use, No Coding Required
  • Unlimited Map Markers
  • Responsive Maps
  • Click Button Marker Edits
  • 9 Map Themes
  • Create Your Own Map Theme
  • Drag and Drop Markers to Exact Locations
  • Map Block Ability
  • Google Street View Supported
  • Map Widgets
  • Full-Screen Functionality
  • Compatible with Caching Plugins
  • Cloudfare Compatible
  • Latest Google Maps API
  • Latest OpenLayers API
Wp Google Maps

And that is just the tip of the iceberg. The WordPress Google Map plugin basically gives you everything you need to incorporate a fully functional map system with locations on your website.

Let’s take a look at how to get the plugin installed and then go over setting it up.

Note: The WP Google Maps plugin also has a pro version. This will extend functionality even further. However, the tutorial below is based on the free version of the plugin. It gives you all the tools you need to build smooth, clean, website ready maps.

Install and Activate Plugin

Before you can start adding WordPress Google Maps and locations, you first need to install and activate the plugin. You can do this by going to the Plugins page inside your WordPress admin dashboard.

Simply go and search for the plug by name and install it right from there.

Once the plugin has been installed and activated, you will automatically be taken to a “welcome” page for the plugin.

From here, you can click on the “Skip Intro and Create a Map” button to create a map. However, before you do that, we need to adjust the settings together.

Click on Maps > Settings to get to the main configuration and settings options for the plugin. You will find this in the left menu area of your dashboard once the plugin has been activated.

Let’s go over these settings together.


WP Google Maps Settings

At this point, you are sitting on the settings page for the WP Google Maps plugin. At the very top, you will see the following notification informing you that you need to go get a Google API first in order to make the maps work to their fullest potential.

You are presented with several links to go get your API. There are detailed instructions on how to do it. Simply follow the links and complete the process. Once you have your Google Maps API you can come back and plug it into the required field and save it.

Note: If you do not want to plug in a Google Maps API, then you are more than welcome to try using the OpenLayers Map Engine that the plugin supports. If this is enough functionality for you, then try it out.

Now that your API is in place, you can scroll down some and you will see six tabs on the settings page. These include:

  • Maps
  • InfoWindows
  • Marker Listing
  • Store Locator
  • Advanced

Let’s take a look at these together.


This is where you will select all your map settings, including the Map Engine you want to use (Google Maps or Open Layers).


These are the settings that will display for the info windows of your open markers on the maps you build.

Wp Google Maps

Marker Listing

These are all the marker listing layout and display options. Fill these in how you want them to display on your site.

Store Locator

Insert the store locator numbers you see fit in this area.


Here you will find some more advanced settings for the plugin. Fill these in how you want. You also have the ability to add custom scripts from this tab.

GDPR Compliance

The WP Google Maps plugin includes a tab for you to make sure that your site is GDPR compliant in this aspect. If you want to require consent from a user before showing the map, you’ll need to check this box.

That’s it. Make sure you save all your settings and you are good to go. Now you are ready to add your first map and get the shortcode to display it.

Add a WordPress Google Map

To access your maps, click on “Maps” in the left menu area of your dashboard. This will take you to all your maps. There will be one map displayed ready for you to name and edit how you want.

Note: Remember, with the free version you can create as many markers and locations on a map that you want. However, to create unlimited maps, you will need the pro version of the plugin.

Go ahead and click the “Edit” button to open it up.

When the map opens up, you will see three main areas all with multiple tabs. The top part was the map settings we just went over together. However, you can also create a map right from here and fix all the settings how you want.

Once you create the map, click on the “Save Map” button and scroll down some.

Here you see the “Markers” section. This section allows you to build your map markers and see how they will display. Use this section to build the markers how you want.

You can build different markers to use and apply them to certain locations that you build next. Go ahead and add as many as you want.

Finally, scroll down a little more and you come to address and location portion of the markers section. This is where you will build and create all your locations and apply markers to them. These locations will display on the map that you have built.

At the bottom of the page, you will see some more options when it comes to extending the plugin by purchasing the pro version. You are more than welcome to check this out and make the purchase if you think it benefits what you are doing.

That’s it! At this point, you have built the map, markers, and locations. Simply save it, then take the shortcode provided and put it on any post or page you want.

Final Thoughts

Adding maps to your WordPress site does not have to be difficult. Yes, over the years Google has changed how they allow you to use maps, but with a couple extra steps and an API, you can still access the functionality that Google Maps provides.

The key is finding a solid WordPress map plugin that will allow you to easily build and display maps for your website. WP Google Maps provides you with a ton of options and functionality.

I hope this tutorial has shown you how easy it is to build a display Google Maps on your website.

Have you tried using Google Maps without a plugin and just embedding them? Have you found that this way allows for more functionality?

Author: Jeremy Holcombe

Growing up in Hawaii, Jeremy started his freelance writing career doing resumes, business plans, article writing, and everything in between. He now specializes in online marketing and content writing and is part of the Content Marketing Team at GreenGeeks.

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