Zeplin Flutter


Flutter-view is a command line tool that allows you to lay out your Flutter apps faster, using Pug/HTML and Sass/CSS. Set up Flutter layouts with hot reload. Watches and updates code as you save your layouts. Visual Studio code extension. Use Pug mixins to create. Used on a new platform for front and backend (Flutter). The first being the Budget app. Designed in components, to simplify the development process for the future versions and other brands within the group. Sketch, Adobe XD, Zeplin, Flutter.

  • Over 6+ years of experience in Java and Android development.
  • Skilled in Kotlin and Flutter.
  • Hands on experience on React Native.
  • Experience in MVC and MVVM.
  • Experience in Native Components of Android applications: Activities, Services, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider, Web Services, Fragments, and Support Libraries to create high quality and stable applications.
  • Used Redux Framework architecture (like Reducers, Containers, Saga) for integrating the data with React Native Application.
  • Experience on state management tools like Redux, Bus Stream Builder, Bloc.
  • Experience in Android UI toolkit and Layout Managers.
  • Proficient in the Android application framework.
  • Experienced with AndroidSDK tools.
  • Experience in working with web technologies like HTML5, CSS, Ajax, jQuery , andJavaScript.
  • Able to handle JSON and XMLHTTP requests from web services and parsing responses using native implementations and third - party libraries.
  • Designed GUI and interfaces with services for mobile applications and worked on OOD (Object Oriented Designs).
  • Extensively worked on memory leaks, push notifications, multiple screen support, data offline usage, accounts, and sync onAndroid.
  • Expertise in Android application development using Eclipse IDE, Android SDK, Android emulator , and ADT plug-in
  • Expertise in Data Structure, Multithreading, Collections, Exception Handling , andSerialization.
  • Experience in working with Google Maps API, GPS Location Data, Google Play Services API, Google Analytics, Google Cloud Messaging API, Location Manager, and NotificationManager.


Programming / ScriptingLanguages: Android, Kotlin, Java, J2EE, JDBC, UNIX Shell scripting, Flutter .

Development Tools: Android Studio, JDeveloper, Azure, NetBeans6.X, MSVisual Studio Code, IntelliJ IDEA, XCode, Eclipse.

Web Technologies: HTML 5.0, AJAX, DHTML, XSL, XSLT 2.0, jQuery, JSP, JavaScript, Servlets, AngularJS, Angular, NodeJS, jQuery Mobile, Ionic.

Web Services: Android SDK, HTTP, Restful Web Services, Google APIs, XML, DOM parsers, SAX parsers, SOAP, JSON

Database Technologies: MySQL, SQLite, SQL Server.

Third Party Libraries: Picasso, phone gap, Espresso, OpenGL, Cordova, Dagger .

Testing Tools: Espresso, Mockito, DDMS, Logcat.

Mobile Technologies and Tools: Android Emulator, Trace View, Draw 9-patch, IBM Mobile First v7.1, v8.0.

Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX, VMware



Flutter Developer


  • Working on building a new flutter mobile application called “My Lawn”.
  • Created reusable widgets of primary colors and font sizes which can be referenced in any module of the codebase.
  • Involved in documenting UI designs to determine the possible best widgets to make screens look beautiful.
  • Implemented the graph designs using the charts flutter package to show the Weather tracker for the last 7 days.
  • For the state management in the app we are using a customized bus stream builder.
  • Involved in reviewing the code.
  • Used to track the agile approach through Jira.
  • Used Zeplin for UI designs.
  • Involved in documenting the endpoints required for the screens in the application.
  • Efficiently consumed and managed RESTful web services with XML and JSONformats.
  • Supported the design, development, testing, and implementation of new business and support applications.
  • Migration of All Legacy Applications to integrate GIT/BitBucket Repositories, Jenkins, Artifactory, with SonarQube Analysis in CI/CD Pipeline Infrastructure.
  • Developed code for the Custom Menus, Dialogs and Image Views, PushNotifications.

Confidential, Cleveland, OH

Android / IOS Developer


  • Developing mobile applications in Flutter and/or Java/Kotlin/Swift.
  • Working on a Hybrid mobile application which allows the users to remotely deposit their checks into their bank account.
  • The application runs on IBM Mobile-first platform(MFP) 8.0 which includes technologies like Cordova, Angular, Java, Ionic, Html, andCSS.
  • Implemented REST services to call the Api’s in the backend server to get required HTTPresources.
  • Analyzed with the POSTMAN tool to verify the backend server response for the REST calls.
  • Using tools like Splunk and Kibana for checking the application logs.
  • Used to deploy the adapter in mobile-first console(MFP) running on WAS 9 environments.
  • Worked on Oauth Set Up on for initiating the token and security setup for the login process. where we used to call a security question through a security challenge handler.
  • Updated the Android SDK to the latest level which is available in the current market.
  • Have Experience on IBMTrusteer which is used as an extra security mechanism for the mobile app.
  • Integrated the third party camera plugin from vendor MiTek in both Android and IOS for capturing the front and back of the checks.
  • Worked as production support for critical priority issues which will be ticketed from the customer care specialist.
  • Build CI/CD using Xcode server and was responsible for manning App Store Connect Account to handle Apple release.
  • Used to test the apps through apple test flight and google beta testing.
  • Involved in the development and enhancements of features to restrict usage based on Authorization and Authentication tokens.
  • Used a sliding side menu library for easy navigation through the app and enhanced the UI design of the application.
  • Implemented Jenkins pipeline for continuous deployments. Installed and configured Jenkins CI/CD pipelines, installed plug-ins, configured security, created a master and slaves for implementation of multiple parallel builds.
  • Implement the Mobile-First analytics to Insight crash reports, users, audience, and events for monitoring the app across the App Store and Google Play.
  • Implemented third party components to use Camera, GPS, and other Social Networking API's to integrate them to the MobileApplication.

Environment : IBM Mobile First Platform 8.0, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, SQLite, SQL Databases,Junit, GPS Services, GitHub for version control, XML, JSON Frameworks: UIKit, Core Location, Agile Scrum Methodology, Eclipse IDE, REST Web Services, Objective-C, Swift, React Native, Splunk, Kibana .

Confidential, St. Louis

Zeplin Flutter

Android Developer


  • Worked in using React native components, Forms, Event, Keys, Navigation, and Redux concepts.
  • Worked on the state, specs, props, and events to create interactive React JS components.
  • Implemented MVVM architecture using React and Redux framework.
  • Developed the flux pattern by using the redux framework as a core dependency.
  • Experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack, and NPM.
  • Experienced in React native JS and working with React native Flux architecture. Used React native-Router to turn the application into Single Page Application.
  • Worked on React native JS Virtual Dom and React native views, rendering using components that contain additional components called custom HTML tags.
  • Created worker threads for handling long term operations to ensure the best performance.
  • Handled time constraint issues, exception and error handling for the app.
  • Involved in post-production support and Change Request process to fix the bugs
  • Implemented a well-versed error handling system in theapplication.
  • Used Multi-Threading extensively as the immersion reading needed many tasks to be performed at one time.
  • Handled XML data using efficient parsing techniques such as DOMparser.
  • Responsible for consuming the REST services, getting JSON responses, and parsing them to get the required information.
  • Worked on GoogleAPIs such as Firebase, Google Play services, Email Integration API to examine the viability of the app over Google services exclusively.
  • Used RxJava as a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.
  • Used GIT for project management and version control.

Environment : Android SDK, React Native, Google Maps, XML, HTML, Dagger, Retrofit, RX Java, Appium, Espresso, Agile Environment, OkHttp .


Android Developer

Zeppelin Flutter Box


  • Understanding the requirements of the module.
  • Developed the application to adapt to various orientation support and resolutions based on the device.
  • Responsible for the development of all application components and resources.
  • Performed testing on Physical device and the android emulator.
  • Built compatibility with android version 1.5 to present.
  • Custom Alphabetical Dictionary integration, rearrange, and move cards in deck feature, search cards feature.
  • Developed the SQLite database to store data and enable features to work offline.
  • Responsible for executing the code, deploying the application, and fixing the bugs.

Zeplin Flutter

Environment: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, SASS, Angular. JS, NodeJS, Ajax, JSON, REST APIs, Agile, GIT, JIRA .


Java Developer


  • Development, Testing, Maintenance, and product delivery.
  • Developed a scalable and maintainable application using the J2EE Framework, Hibernate, MVC Model, Struts, and J2EE DesignPatterns.
  • Prepared SOW (Statement of Work) by communicating with agencies and organized meetings about requirements.
  • Followed Java J2EE design patterns and the coding guidelines to design and develop the application.
  • Developing the application using Struts and Spring-based frameworks.
  • Done with Server-side validations using the Struts Validation Framework.
  • Processed JSON response data by consuming RESTful web services and used an Angular filter for implementing searchresults.
  • Developed the Action Classes which is in between view and model layers, Action Form Classes which is used to maintain session state of a web application, created JSPs (Java Server pages) using Struts tag libraries and configured in struts-config.XML, web.xml files.
  • This application is designed using MVC architecture to maintain easily.
  • Created new Soap services using JAX-WS specifications.
  • Wrote JUnit test cases for testing.

Zeppelin Flutter Train

Environment: Java, Struts, Hibernate, JSP, Servlets, SOAP UI, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JUnit, Apache Tomcat Server, EJB, NetBeans.