Docker Dbeaver

Light and friendly interface for your datasources

For your environment

SQL and NoSQL support


MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite, AWS datasources and more others.

DockerDbeaver docker oracle

We used DBeaver. See the connection configuration below. The password will be what you specified in the `-e ‘SAPASSWORD=yourStrongPassword1$` on docker image start in the previous section. Forgot Docker ID or Password? Launch DBeaver Click on the DBeaver icon (either in your Launchpad or the Applications folder) to launch the DBeaver application. Launch the New Connection Wizard If this is the first time you've launched DBeaver, you'll probably be prompted with the Create new connection dialog. Docker Hub is the world’s largest repository of container images with an array of content sources including container community developers, open source projects and independent software vendors (ISV) building and distributing their code in containers. Users get access to free public repositories for storing and sharing images or can choose. Get code examples like 'dbeaver connect to docker mysql' instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension.

AWS ready

Available in AWS Marketplace.
Connect to AWS RDS, Redshift and Dynamo DB in a few clicks.

Docker pack

Official Docker container on Docker hub.
Launch with one command.

Choose your CloudBeaver

  • CloudBeaver is available on AWS marketplace
    CloudBeaver Enterprise has been published on AWS marketplace. You will be surprised how easy CloudBeaver can be integrated to Read more…
  • CloudBeaver documentation
    Do you know that you can download the CloudBeaver documentation as a PDF file on the Docs page on Read more…
Docker Dbeaver

Our other products

DBeaver Enterprise Edition

DBeaver EE is a powerful desktop database client for data management, analysis and administration. It supports almost all existing databases: SQL, BigData, Analytical and more others.

DBeaver Community Edition

DBeaver CE is a popular open-source desktop application for working with SQL-databases. It supports all popular databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server and others.


These are instructions for creating a PostGIS server in Docker for Windows 10. Docker for Windows does not work in Windows 10 Home, and does not work for versions of Windows earlier than Windows 10. If you have an unsupported version, see links at the bottom of this page.

Before you can use Docker in Windows, you have to enable Virtualization Technology (VT-x and VT-d) in the BIOS. Altering the BIOS must be done at system startup, so this requires rebooting the computer. Unfortunately, every manufacturer’s BIOS is different, and they are different even among models by the same manufacturer. You will have to poke around to find the necessary settings. But here are some general guidelines:

  1. Reboot your computer.
  2. At reboot (when the screen goes blank, or perhaps when you see the manufacturer logo), you need to hit a special key to access the boot menu. You have a limited time to do so. If you miss it, you will have to allow Windows to boot, then restart again. Some common keys to access the boot menu are:
    • Esc: HP
    • F2: Toshiba
    • F12: Dell, Lenovo
    • For other manufacturers, consult your documentation or online search engine
  3. Choose the option for BIOS settings. (Other boot menu options might include system diagnostics, boot from external devices, etc.)
  4. You will now have to search through the BIOS for Virtualization Technology (VT-x) and enable it.
  5. If your BIOS offers an option for VT-d, enable that as well. Not all BIOSes will list this as separate option. If it is available, it should be right next to the VT-x option.
  6. Hit Exit and confirm saving changes. Your computer will automatically reboot. (To my knowledge, this is true for all computers.)

After you have enabled VTx, you can follow these steps to install Docker for Windows.

  1. Create an account on Docker Hub.
  2. Download Docker Desktop for Windows.
  3. Run the Docker for Windows Installer.
  4. Do not choose to use Windows containers (leave unchecked).
  5. In order for Docker to work on Windows, Hyper-V must be enabled. If it is not, you should see the following message:

    > Hyper-V and Containers features are not enabled.
    > Do you want to enable them for Docker to be able to work properly?
    > Your computer will restart automatically.

    Choose OK and let your computer restart.

  6. Once Docker is installed, run it in the usual fashion (start menu, desktop icon). You will not see an application window. A Docker (whale) icon will appear in your system tray. When the whale stops spouting, Docker is ready to use.
  7. Click the system tray icon and sign in to Docker Hub.

We will use the PostGIS images maintained at Begin by opening Windows PowerShell. Remember that you can use the up and down arrows in the terminal to cycle through recently used commands. I recommend using Windows PowerShell instead of Command Prompt because PowerShell will remember your commands from previous terminal sessions.

Each step is explained below, followed by a command. You should type or paste each command into PowerShell and hit Enter after each one.


First, copy the PostGIS container image from Docker Hub (this requires an internet connection):

Create a volume to persist your data. This is not strictly necessary. Once you create an image, you can stop and start it, and new or updated data will persist. However, if you ever delete the container, you will lose any changes you made (when you re-run the container, the data will be whatever was in the original image). Creating a volume will allow you to create a new container and attach the data used previously.

Create the docker image:

Some remarks:

  • --name my_postgis: The name my_postgis is arbitrary. You can use another name for the image.
  • -p 5433:5432: The PostgreSQL server must listen on a specific port for client connections. 5432 is the default Postgres port. We are using 5433 in case we actually have or ever install a native Postgres server. 5433 is mapped to port 5432 in the container.
  • -v pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql maps the location of the data cluster in the container (/var/lib/postgresql) to the docker volume created in the previous step.
  • kartoza/postgis is the name of the container image we previously pulled. Note that if you don’t pull the image first, it will be downloaded when you run docker create.

Now that the container has been created and named, starting it is easy:

The container can also be stopped, and should be stopped before you shut down your computer. It should be OK to leave the container running if you suspend (sleep) the computer.

At any time thereafter, you can start the container back up by running docker start again.

The container can be removed with:

Note that for this course, you probably don’t want to remove your container, unless you have done something to completely bork it and want to start fresh.

You can now connect to this database using any Postgres client. The image has a PostGIS-enabled database named gis, and has been configured with a login role (user) named docker, with the password docker. The connection settings for any Postgres client are therefore:

Dbeaver Docker Postgres

  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 5433
  • Database: gis
  • User: docker
  • Password: docker

In this course, we will be using DBeaver for database management and querying. The settings in the DBeaver connection settings dialog look like this:

Later in the course, we will also be connecting to this database using QGIS, with a similar connection dialog.

  • Set Up a PostGIS Database With Docker – Note, however, that the author is using Docker Toolbox, not Docker for Windows, and has started the container with a number of environment variables that we are not using.
  • Docker Documentation

If you are using an earlier version of Windows, or the Home Edition, you can virtualize PostGIS two ways:

Dbeaver Docker Oracle

  • Use a legacy product called Docker Toolbox. (See info at
  • Use OSGeo-Live in VirtualBox. This is a heavier lift, but gives you more GIS software to play with.