Ranunculus Inundatus

  1. Ranunculus Inundatus Planting
  2. Ranunculus Bulbs
  3. Ranunculus Inundatus Ficha
  4. Ranunculus Inundatus For Sale
  5. Ranunculus Species

Author: Efren Leonida


Common Names: River buttercup

Division: Magnoliophyta

Ranunculus Inundatus Planting

  • Ranunculus inundatus. The MOQ applies to the Aquatic Plants selected from the drop-down menu located below. It may take up to 15 working.
  • Ranunculus inundatus is a creeping plant that has made its way to North American hobbyists in the past several years from its natural habitat in southeastern Australia. One of the few Ranunculus species that may grow submersed, R. Inundatus has a.

LIVE AQUARIUM PLANT: Ranunculus Inundatus Aka. River Buttercup, can be used as foreground or midground in aquarium. IMPROVE WATER CLARITY: Under proper conditions, Anubias will provide Oxygen bubble which is called perling also, reducing algae growth.

Ranunculus inundatus flower4 - Flickr - Macleay Grass Man.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 707 KB Ranunculus inundatus fruit1 (6).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.24 MB Ranunculus inundatus fruit2 (9).jpg 431 × 475; 50 KB. Ranunculus Inundatus is a low growing aquatic plant that originates from Australia. It is a Stolon type stem plant that creeps horizontally by sending runners along the substrate to form new plants Individual stems can be trimmed along the horizontal shoots and replanted directly into the substrate.

Class: Magnoliopsida


Order: Ranunculales

Family: Ranunculaceae

Native Distribution: Australia

Aquarium Placement: Midground/foreground

Requirements: CO2 addition recommended

Plant Description

Australia is a relatively untapped source of flora that can be used in the foreground and midground of aquariums. Ranunculus inundatus is a creeping plant that has made its way to North American hobbyists in the past several years from its natural habitat in southeastern Australia.

One of the few Ranunculus species that may grow submersed, R. inundatus has a striking leaf pattern contributing to its rising popularity in the aquarium hobby. Unlike many stem plants, where leaf color changes with variable conditions, the leaves of this plant remain light green in coloration. These properties add to its usefulness as a point of contrast in an aquarium layout. This plant’s rhizome—a central stalk from which new leaves emerge—grows along the substrate. Each structure has one star-shaped leaf that develops on a stem.

Ranunculus Bulbs

Ranunculus inundatus does require medium to high lighting to flourish in an aquarium. Low lighting levels lead to inhibited growth and taller leaves with long stems. As always, higher lighting levels also require steady macronutrient and micronutrient levels from regular supplementation, as well as carbon dioxide addition. Otherwise this plant appears to be undemanding, adapting to a wide range of water hardness and pH values.

Other than its lighting needs, Ranunculus inundatus is a relatively undemanding plant. Often there is an adaptation period when it is first introduced to a tank’s conditions. This may last anywhere from a couple of weeks to a month, where little new growth is seen, although the plants remain healthy.

Aquascaping Uses

Ranunculus Inundatus Ficha

R. inundatus can be used in an aquascape as either a midground or foreground plant, and is an excellent choice if used as an accent or focal-point arrangement. If lower lighting levels are used, this plant should be used in the midground so the taller stems can be hidden with hardscape or foreground plants. If used in the foreground, high lighting levels promote shorter leaf height, helping to maintain the sense of scale in a layout.

Often, after the initial adaptation period, growth can be rapid. Prudent trimming of stray runners, and the occasional thinning of a grouping by gently teasing a runner out of the substrate and trimming helps maintain a grouping’s shape and effect in the layout.


With patience and adequate lighting, R. inundatus propagates by sending runners from the rhizome, creating new leaf structures as it spreads. These new rhizomes can be trimmed and replanted to make new, autonomous plants.

Ranunculus Inundatus For Sale

Electronic Flora of South Australia species Fact Sheet

Ranunculus Species

Family: Ranunculaceae

Citation: R. Br. ex DC., Reg. Veg. Syst. Nat. 1:269 (1817).

Synonymy: Ranunculus rivularis

Common name: River-buttercup.

Perennial herb, 5-30 cm high, stoloniferous; basal leaves palmatisect, 1-4 cm wide, with segments 0.5-2 mm wide, glabrous; petioles 1-15 cm long, glabrous or with a few flexible hairs; basal sheaths more or less pilose; cauline leaves palmatisect to trisect.
Flowering stems slender, erect, with 1-3 flowers, glabrous or pilose at the base; vegetative stems creeping, rooting at the nodes; flowers 1-1.5 cm diam.; sepals 5, elliptic to almost round, concave, glabrous; petals 5-7, narrowly obovate to oblanceolate-elliptic, apex rounded; nectary very near the base, with a semicircular to tongue-shaped lobe to 1 mm long, its lateral margins attached for the lower one-third to half its length; stamens c. 25-30; carpels c. 20-30.
Mature achenes almost lenticular, c. 1.5-1.8 mm long; beak reflexed, about half to two-thirds as long as achene-body; lateral faces with obscure irregular warty ridges and a broad flattened area at the base of the style; torus with a dense ring of short hairs in the staminal zone, glabrous between the achenes.

Ranunculus inundatus
Image source: fig 197b in Jessop J.P. & Toelken H.R. (Ed.) 1986. Flora of South Australia (4th edn).

Published illustration:Cunningham et al. (1982) Plants of western New South Wales, p. 309.

Distribution: Usually grows in shallow water with the leaves floating or submerged.

S.Aust.: MU, SL, SE. Qld; N.S.W.; Vic.; Tas.

Conservation status: native

Flowering time: Sept. — Jan.

SA Distribution Map based
on current data relating to
specimens held in the
State Herbarium of South Australia

Biology:No text

Author:Not yet available

Email Contact:
State Herbarium of South Australia